FaxStore Monthly — $10.00
per month
Subscription payments
FaxStore is an extremely feature rich store template that you can use to enhance your consumer base. With Discord, GitHub, Google, and Twitter based permissions and logins you can easily out-store your competition and never have to handle user account problems. List many types of items, free, paid, subscription based, and many more.
When creating FaxStore we wanted a nice clean design with an easy-to-use interface for consumers. With this design in mind we knew statistics of store owners would rise.
From statistics gathered store owners have seen up to a 337.5% increase in website traffic from their website before. FaxStore delivers an easy-to-use interface from the users page to the admin panel!
- Enhanced website search bars and page
- Overwhelming storefront page
- User accounts
- Integrated client area
- Account banning
- STT ban checking
- Paypal integration
- Discord integration
- Discord permissions
- Discord auto-role system
- Unlimited listings
- Partners page
- Team page
- Reviews page. Reviews can be added by users themselves
- Ability to write reviews
- Customizable home page
- Featured products
- Credits & description sections
- Gift cards
- Inegrated logging
- Statistical insights
- Editable Terms of Service (ToS) page
- Epic gallery with navigation
- Custom 404/403 page
- Supermassive admin panel
- Ability to toggle on/off nearly any page/function
- Edit nearly all text and images on your whole site via the admin panel
- Offer free downloads and paid content
- Item releases
- User auto joining your Discord
- Emails for confirmations
See the full list of features and pages here. This list is bigger than the above.
- @patorjk - Formatted text on bot load
- Beefer - Coding support
- Various Discord members - Finding bugs and issues when in testing
- @PlutoTheDev#1000 - Debug and coding help
- @ajlkn - Assistance with site design and DOM fixes (Grammarly)
This is a Node.Js based website and requires a server to be ran. This will not run on common 'Shared Hosting' plans.
So what makes FaxStore stand out?
I asked some existing customers before initial release and this is what they said:
"All in site customization"Hyperz#0001
"Home page customization & user accounts"Salty Eclipse#5040
"Ability to gain members"Mythic#6219
"Statistics & clean look"JipyTheDev#7465
"user-friendly URLs, featured products, detailed products pages & ability for credits"Itzaboody#7705
"The design of it"liza#0790
"Easy navigation, very clean and has good access to reviews"M. Thomas | Elixir Networks#1629
"It's cool"
This is based on user opinions from users that didn't own the product at the time.
- Online server/machine to operate. Commonly known as a VPS or dedicated box
- Domain name
- PayPal business or Stripe account to be able to receive any payments.
- Discord, GitHub , Google, or Twitter account to use for Login methods.
This is a Node.Js based website and requires a server to be ran. This will not run on common 'Shared Hosting' plans.
For all other detailed requirements see the prerequisites.