This Terms of Service document is not the currently active document. This is a past version archived. See the below link to see the current Terms of Service document

Current ToS:

FAXES Gaming Product Agreement (FGPA)

Last updated: 25 May 2020
See bottom section for amendment logs

This is an Agreement between You and FAXES or its affiliates and governs your Use of FAXES products. This Agreement is applied to the Client from when a purchase is made on a FAXES Gaming product, service OR you being in possession of a FAXES Gaming product. By purchasing and/or signing this Agreement you agree to the below-listed terms of this Agreement. If you are entering into this license on behalf of an entity, you represent that you have authority to bind that entity. If you do not have such authority or you do not agree to the terms of the license, neither you nor the entity may use the product and it can not be sold until the license is agreed too. If you have questions regarding this Agreement contact the business and communicate through your ticket.

Business Details:

Business name: FAXES Gaming
Contact email:
Online copy of this document

1. Definitions

Product(s) - is used to describe the script, modification, files, software, or digital content being

You and Your - is used to describe the individual or legal entity agreeing to this Agreement and
the Client listed above.

Use and Using - is used to describe downloading, installing, activating, access or otherwise using
the product.

Agreement - refers to this (FAXES Gaming product Agreement) document

Client - is used to describe the individual or entity agreeing to this license.

2. Information Use

  • a) Information you enter when signing this license is kept private between the Client and FAXES Gaming.
  • b) The only time information will be distributed and not kept private will be to pass it to third parties to help if the Agreement is breached.
  • c) PayPal information and other information will be used with Google LLC via their Google Sheets and Google Docs applications to help with logging and tracking of you agreeing to this Agreement or making payments.
  • d) Your information in the Client Details section above and will be stored on an internal server as this original, unmodified, and unedited version of the Agreement if you ever need another copy, or if action needs to be taken.
  • e) Your information may be distributed to an affiliate group called Stronger Together Network to ensure security in the Client and to perform investigations if needed.

3. Client Third Parties & Security

  • a) Some products require them to be hosted on a service to be used by you. There is no restriction on where you can host the product through to make it available to you. This mainly applies to products to be hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or another type of online server.
  • b) If you are using a service to host the product it is required that any individual with access to that VPS or server that is not the company sign this Agreement in order to make sure others are aware and know the details of the product.
  • c) You as the Client are responsible for the security of the product and not having this Agreement breached. If the Agreement is breached by a Clients Third Party, action can be taken on the Client and others involved. It’s recommended to ensure this Agreement is alongside the product to help protect yourself from breaching this Agreement. See ‘Agreement Availability’ for more information.

4. Distributing The Product

  • a) No Product is permitted to be (re-)distributed to other entities without written permission from the seller themselves. This excludes a VPS and/or server hosting company as the product is still under your account through the hosting company.
  • b) Do not redistribute to any other sites and/or entities.

5. Agreement Availability

  • a) This Agreement must remain in its original state and must not be modified in any way.
  • b) This Agreement must be alongside the product at all times and not be removed.

6. Product Credits

  • a) Do not take credit for the product. Removing credits from inside the products file(s) is prohibited.
  • b) If there is internal documentation labelled with “[START NO EDIT]” you cannot edit until internal documentation stats “[END NO EDIT]”.
  • c) Disabling, removing and/or making the “botcredits.js”, “credits.js”, or “credits.php” file(s) not available is not permitted, it must be available and able to use in the product. This applies to any purchased product that has this file name.

7. Payments & Refunds

  • a) All payments on a FAXES Gaming product are conducted by PayPal. We do not accept bank, Cash App or other payment types. This is due to security and seller protection reasons that PayPal can offer.
  • b) This product does not allow full refunds on products that have been sent. If a refund is requested and the product is not sent it can be fully refunded. Refunds are reviewed on a case to case basis. Open a ticket to request this. No refunds are guaranteed.
  • c) Due to our above refund policy, we offer demos or video of our product(s). Try the product beforehand.

8. Product Warranty & Gain

  • a) This product is not to be exploited for personal, financial or commercial gain.
  • b) Responsibility for any damages caused by this product or its misuse rest solely with the user, as the author(s) will accept no liability. Appropriate support can be given and provided where deemed needed.
  • c) No product is shipped to the Client with any malicious content or malware.

9. Agreement Violations

  • a) Breaching and/or violating this Agreement with a FAXES Gaming Product can result in termination of services from FAXES and/or it’s affiliated. Investigations will be performed and all involved will have action taken on them where deemed necessary.
  • b) If you suspect a third party of yours has breached this Agreement contact the seller and work together and don’t get yourself involved.
  • c) If you have been found breaching and/or violating this Agreement contact may be made with an affiliate group - Stronger together Network. This is a group aimed at providing security to other product creators and help the surrounding community remain safe. See their site for more details -

License questions?
If you do not understand and/or have questions on the above license please seek support by contacting
us. See page 1 for details.

The original May 2020 version has been moved to this new website. The document is the same with some slight changes. View the original here

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